Master 7 and Little Miss 4 are happy as today is their ‘pay day’. They each have jobs that they have to complete through out the week in order to receive their pocket money.
Master 7 unloads the dishwasher, brings the bins in on bin night, and feeds the rabbits every night. Even Little Miss 4 has learnt from her big brother that it pays to do mums jobs as you get pocket money out of it. Little Miss 4’s jobs are checking the letter box each day, helping to empty the dishwasher, and picking up her toys when finished playing (this is one messy kid I am trying to work on). As master 7 is in year 3, he receives $3 a week, he is happy with his pay rise from $2 a week last year. As Little Miss 4 has no real understanding of the value of a coin, receives 20c a week and is saving up to buy a gold fish, what the?
Don’t underestimate your kids, they are very capable of helping out around the house and are never too young to learn about earning money. Master 7 got all they way up to $50 last year, when he was taken shopping with his dad, blew it on a Nerf gun, fully automatic, I’ve spent the rest of the year finding foam bullets all over the house. Learning to earn is a very valuable life lesson, plus with my husband away a lot, it really helps me out so everyone wins!
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I think it’s never to early to teach kids the value of money and to get them to help with household jobs. I pay on a similar system – $1 for every year old you are but I pay fortnightly (so my 10 year old gets $10/fortnight). My kids would have me believe they weren’t capable of cleaning up or helping around the house but throw a couple of dollars their way and suddenly they are keen experts! 😉
Sharon, agree for sure!!! R