We all buy bananas, and we all watch them sit in the fruit bowl and turn in to a litter of dalmatians. Even with three little banana loving monkeys we still lose bananas as they turn so fast. Did you know when they are turning spotty this means they are actually ripe, and are full of cancer fighting antioxidant’s. This maybe the time you should eat them not throw them. Bananas are rich sources of potassium, vitamin B6, fiber, and vitamin C, and particularly low in sugar when compared a cup cake or a few biscuit’s.
With the warmer weather you will soon start reaching for the ice cream so here is a great alternative that tastes just as great yet is so much healthier. No crap just a clean banana that when frozen and plopped in the food processor turns into something you didn’t know could be made. You’d think it would go all chunky or flakey right, wrong it turns in to a creamy paste with the consistency of ice cream. It’s good very yummy.
All You Need To Do Is:
1. Peel and chop up the banana, then pop chopped pieces in the freezer on a plate for a two hours.
2. Once frozen blend the bananas up in a food processor, and you have your healthy banana ice cream alternative.
It’s really that simple, cheap and healthy. Try it.
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Amanda says
In the freezer as we “speak” – be ready just in time for kids afternoon tea 🙂
Thanks Renee.
BTW-Enjoy reading your blog!
renee01 says
Amanda, how did it turn out? R
Amanda says
Great Renee….amazing how it’s just banana and turns out so creamy and icecream like. I have done the whole frozen bananas on a stick before but blended-up is way smoother. I didn’t actually have any as I don’t like banana but the kids yummed it up and I only told them 1/2 way through how it was made 😉
Thanks again. Amanda
renee01 says
Yey, it’s crazy how much it tastes like ice cream! I’m going to get creative and try some other flavours, watch this space! R