It’s a funny thing how Apple have made these great little gadgets that have changed the way we live, yet it’s not great how fragile their screens are. Most people I know who have an iPhone have had a cracked screen so I have a chunky cover on mine, it has saved it as I have dropped it many times. Our iPad wasn’t so lucky even with its chunky cover Little Miss 5 still managed to crack the sh*t out of the screen.
So MR DIY ordered a new glass screen with tools and adhesives for $39 on eBay. It arrived today and the repair began, so did the swearing! Here’s how it went down:
First is the removal of the old cracked glass screen
TIP. Tape it up as it may shatter and get a bit messy. You work the tool around the edge of the screen and it lifts off (like in the top left pic), (the top right pic) is what it looks like when the glass screen is off. Exposed is the important LCD screen so this is where it gets a bit delicate.
By undoing four screws it allows you to remove the LCD panel and disconnect the digitizer cable. While this is happening the power cable and volume cable are exposed and in the firing line so watch out for them. You are unplugging the old cable and plugging in a new cable that comes with the new screen.
To reassemble and install new screen
Remove old adhesive with the tools provided, attach the new digitizer cable, replace the LCD screen panel by doing up the four screws you undid earlier, apply the adhesive 3M stickers provided and replace the new glass panel.
This is just an outline of what it takes to DIY change your screen. We used You Tube videos to show the process so that’s what you will want to do if you are keen to change it yourself. There are plenty of online forums and videos to teach you what to do if you want to save 100s of dollars and have it done for you.
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