A friend had a baby today and I found myself reminiscing about being pregnant and having a newborn. I have been lucky enough to have been pregnant three amazing times, for me 118 (41+38+39) weeks of my life has been spent creating three new human beings! There is one thing I am really glad I did, and I would recommend to all expecting mums is to photograph, or have someone photograph your bump. There is nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman, it’s an amazing time in your life and lets face it when that little thing in there pops out, suddenly things aren’t so beautiful anymore!
I thought I would share three of my favourite pregnant pictures of my third baby. The exciting thing about number three for us was that we didn’t find out the sex. We already had a boy and a girl so this added that something extra special to a situation that you have already been through twice before. This photo I took myself with a white ribbon around my belly, if you know the sex of your baby try it with a blue or pink ribbon, also a great way to announce the sex of the little nugget. My husband was away for my first and third trimester so I took heaps of pics for him.
This one still cracks me up, I just pointed the camera down and there were my fat poor swollen feet holding me up! My belly was massive, with number three I swear I started showing at 10 weeks! It’s always hard to actually believe there is a baby in there, it still doesn’t make sense how it can fit!
This one was taken the night before we went to hospital. I had just packed my bag and was packing the camera so I figured one last picture of the bump would be a good idea. The picture doesn’t really show just how big and heavy my belly got, but his birth weight of 10lbs2oz certainly did! So if you are pregnant, make sure you get your camera out and don’t forget to snap some pictures of your belly so you can look back at one day and laugh, or cry for that matter!
I love babies!

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