Fit And Fabulous Series for a more fitter more fabulous you in 2014. I am here to help you become the best version of you yet
After receiving a lot of questions from my readers about nutrition I am going to put together what I call my ‘Clean Eating Guidelines’. I am not a Nutritionist no, qualified Personal Trainer yes and fit and healthy Mother of three yes so take what I say not as advice from a Doctor but more as what has worked for me.
There is always so much hype about different diets and it can be very confusing so I am here to help. The truth is your weight loss does depend on your diet, no matter how hard you think you are exercising. If you don’t eat well you are sabotaging your hard work. The way I eat works for me and for others that I have shared my guidelines with and they can work for you too. There is no extreme restrictions, no deprivation, no counting or weighing anything, it is sustainable and realistic and most importantly can be eaten by the whole family. No separate meals are made as the whole family should be eating healthy, they watch what you eat and will grow up to eat the same. My guidelines are realistic changes that you can incorporate into your life, for the rest of your life and they will come with great health benefits.
The first guideline and maybe the most important one is planning your food. This is the step that stops mindless eating. I am pro buying the food and making it yourself, there is some cooking and prepping involved but it is 100% worth it.
The second guideline is repetition, repetition is what creates habits. If you repeat what you eat you always know what’s for each/next meal or snack so there is no standing at the fridge looking for something to eat. It does mean the same breakfast each day and the same snacks but you soon learn to love it.
The third guideline is five to six meal times a day. Sounds like a lot but it is the best way to eat, this causes your digestive system to be busy doing it’s job all day. Verses your body being starving and trying to help you out by storing fat for later. Eating frequently in the day speeds up your metabolism which is what you want.
The fourth guideline is drink lots of water. You must buy a water bottle and take it everywhere with you. You need your phone, keys, wallet and water bottle don’t leave home without it. I only drink water, my own smothies and protein shakes, tea and coffee. Soft drink is nasty sh*t ditch it, juices are full of sugar but are a better choice than soft drink as they at least have some nutrition. I do not drink alcohol, next time you are in a pub have a look around, tell me 80% of the people in there aren’t over weight.
The fifth guideline, low carb not no carbs. I would call the way I eat low carb, I always avoid white carbs like rice, pasta, bread and white potatoes. Carbs that come from whole grains, fruits and vegetables are fine. The ones coming from doughnuts, white bread, white pasta or white rice are not in my house. Ditch them and swap for brown varieties. This is a big one, you can still have them just chose the brown versions.
The sixth guideline bad fat will make you fat. I avoid the bad fats such as butter, creams and anything deep-fried, think cellulite on your plate. You can get your fats from, as we very much need fats, avocado, fish oils, unroasted nuts, and coconut oil.
These are my clean eating guidelines. There will be something’s there that you will turn your nose up. If you are currently over weight and unhappy about it I bet you $50 you drink soft drink, eat deep fried foods and white bread and wonder why you can’t lose weight. If you were to follow my guidelines you will see changes, if you follow my guidelines you will lose weight.
I challenge you to follow my clean eating guidelines for the next two weeks and I am 100% sure you will see a change in your body. I will also share with you the meals I eat and recommend for you to follow along. Today I have created a shopping list for you to hit the shops tomorrow to get your kitchen set up. Love to hear your thoughts leave me comments below. I am with you all the way and I am here to support you, email me, message me on fb, comment or questions below and I will answer every question. I am not charging money for my advice I am doing this because I want to help you achieve what I have achieved.
Shopping List of things I want you to buy tomorrow and then the meal plans will follow
The food on the above shopping list will get you started with my food plan that I will post tomorrow. Hit the shops today and do the best you can to grab it all and I will explain how to eat it for a fitter more fabulous you.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on health, fitness, organising, DIY, parenting, meals, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

Hi Renee, this shopping list is GREAT, but I’m trying to find on your site what to do with all the food (yes, I realise eat it, but what meals do you make out of this food)? Or do you just eat it ‘as is’? I’m someone with no clue on making up healthy meals, which is why I thought the shopping list was so awesome, so any help you can provide would be great. Thanks for your time.
Hey Girl, working on the food plans now. But yes start eating the foods and in a day I will have the plan good to go. R