Today I was out in the garden and I realised we are expecting, yes I found a little baby pumpkin growing! I have mentioned my veggie patch before and how well it’s been doing, well I have more growth to report the pumpkin vine is going crazy, I had no idea it would be this easy. I grabbed my camera so I could share with you what my little garden has been up to over the last few weeks on it’s own with no real TLC just a bit of water.
I had a quick look on the net to see if there was anything special I should be doing for my baby pumpkin and I learnt some interesting facts about pumpkins, are you sitting down, they are actually a fruit! Who knew? This little one is growing up next to a pot plant, check out how it is wrapping it’s self around the plant, unreal.
This beautiful creature is a female flower you can tell this by her ability to multi-task, nurture, put everyone else first, oops I mean, her curves! She is already bare foot and pregnant, see her gorgeous bump, that’s her ovaries and some busy bee has knocked her up that is my pumpkin soup right there growing down low and safe.
This one on the other hand is a male flower, the way to tell this is see how it looks kind of lazy, just kind of sits there doing nothing! Oh it gets better, they open up first thing in the morning, by lunch time it’s all too much for the lad and he shuts his flower and he is done for the day. So the bees have to get in early, get what they need, take it over to the female flower in order to make baby pumpkins! See it’s sticking up ready for a bee.
I also found out who’s been eating my broccoli, these little green suckers! Oh having a good old feed I see. I had two cute little broccoli heads growing one day, gone the next then the leaves were always being munched on, but today I found the culprit. Now I have to figure out what to do about these little green aliens, any suggestions?
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[…] you may have read one of my older post’s Pumpkin Patch, where I explained the sex life of pumpkins. Just to re-cap, pumpkins are a fruit, what the hell, […]